Students of the MONTH

Friday, September 27, 2013

Last week - until September Ends...

Good Week Newsletter
September 27, 2013
Written by: Devin Rader
Edited by: Danielle Tortolani

Music Amongst the Cheers

Up until last Friday, the Marching Band had only performed at a few games. There were a few pep bands that formed together, but the entire Marching Band has only performed once, and that was for the homecoming game of last year. This year promised to be different. With Mr. Pattison, newest to the Ygnacio Valley family, under command, he promised that the Band would play at least three of the home games for our football team this year. Last Friday was the first, so that leaves at least two more. The band was greeted with cheers and played the football team onto the field. Throughout the rest of the night, excluding the third quarter of the game, the marching band performed little bits of music, providing filler in case there was a timeout, or in between the plays. As the band finished up the fourth quarter, The Cheer Team started up the chant, “We love band! We love band!” The bands response? An overwhelming reply of “We love Cheer! We love Cheer!” If one were to ask how the band felt, since this is somewhat of a new feel, I’d say they felt right at home.

Marching Band at Football- a beautiful thing!

Seniors of YV take a Day

On Tuesday, the Class of 2014 took a day to enjoy a nice picnic. Boarding the buses at 8:00 in the morning, the seniors took a trip to San Ramon's Little Hills to enjoy a day to themselves. With no cell service, the senior class had no excuse BUT to have fun. There were a variety of sports to be played, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, water balloon tosses, tug of war, and bag races. This was enough to keep the senior class happy until lunch, where they were served up hamburgers, hot dogs, cookies, chips and soda. And the fun continued on afterward. One teacher said that it was good to see the seniors, “making their own fun,” and playing around like we were five again. The seniors finished up their day with a photo, and then boarded the busses, and rode back to YV. With memories of Senior Picnic, smiles, and plenty of fun, the senior class went home without a care in the world.

Tug of War- Competition was FIERCE!
Wall climbing was popular as well

Club Carnival Shows Color at YV

All students were welcome on Friday at lunch to our annual Club Carnival! It was a chance for students to be exposed to clubs they probably didn't even imagine would be at our school. Students found that many of the clubs covered the entire quad to show them what they are all about. Some even gave candy out to those who participated in the games! These clubs showed that it didn't matter who you are, because you can belong to any club. Current members found it surprising just how many students were interested in their club.

Charity Drive

GSA club with some Rainbow Trivia

Interact Club

Monday, September 23, 2013

Rally Week at Ygnacio Valley

Ygnacio Valley HS 
Warrior Newsletter
Devin Rader, YVHS Renaissance

Warrior Marching Band Shines in Twilight Parade

Last Saturday, Our marching band competed in the Walnut Festival Twilight Parade. Drum Major Andrew
Danielle and Andrew with their spoils
Buschemi leading the way, the marching band went on to take third overall among the eight bands that competed. The color guard, led by Danielle Tortolani, took second overall. With this being Danielle’s first start as the coordinator for the guard, she feels that they are off to a good start and is optimistic about the year. Andrew took second among all the drum majors to compete. Steve Accatino, the former music teacher who taught for 3 years at
Ygnacio Valley, was one of the grand marshals of the parade. He paid the band a visit before the parade began, and wished them good luck and told them to have fun. Mr. Pattison, the new band director, shared his gratitude to the band after the competition, and the band celebrated the start at Black Bear Diner to finish the night.


Color Guard hard at work

Ygnacio Valley’s First Rally Shows Energy

Last Friday, Ygnacio Valley had its first rally of the year. Students were excited to cheer and scream as the spirit stick raced by. Starting the rally out on the right foot, or rather, the left, the Golden Warrior Marching Band march onto the floor, flags waving, music playing, and mace rising, the band played “Cyrus the Great” and exited with “Obnoxious” which started to really get the students going. With plenty of games, and performances by Nicolas Hutchins and Salvador Gonzales, with Dance III closing it out, this battle of the elements was a great way to start the year. The Freshmen were Earth, Sophomores were Wind, Juniors were Fire, and Seniors were Water. Great job pulling the rally together in such a short time to our ASB Leadership program, under the direction of Corissa Stobing



Freshmen Field Day Models Energy and Spirit

Tuesday, the Link Crew and the entire freshman class met on the YV Football field, for a few periods of laughter and activities. The Link Crew leaders enjoyed meeting together with the freshmen that they showed around YV, plus a few more! With activities like Steal the Bacon, and the ever popular Water Balloon Toss, students found ways to make more friends, and build better relationships with their leaders. After the activities were finished, students met in the bleachers of the field, and were given a spirit lesson. The Class of 2017 was a little unsure of themselves at the rally, so Ms. Cooper and Mrs. Stobing taught the class how to really make themselves known as THE Class of 2017. The students picked things up quick and with school almost out, the C.A.R.E.S. After School Program brought out some snacks for all the students.

College Day Tells Students About Opportunities to Arrive

The Education Academy held their first annual College Fair, which was well attended by students and Universities. Students had the opportunity to meet with several universities as well as the military to discuss college readiness and admissions. There were workshops about programs like DACA, the Dream Act, FAFSA, and the CSU system. Congrats to the Education Academy and Coordinators Thatcher Palmer and Laura Hallberg for putting together such a worthwhile event!

Sports Medicine Gets a Makeover

This year begins a new era in the area of Sports Medicine. For the first time, the student athletes have a place to go with their injuries to get treatment, rehabilitation and evaluations for their injuries. The new training room has state of the art modalities including a whirlpool for ice therapy, electrical stimulation and ultrasound for increased healing and pain modulation, and brand new rehab devices to help our athletes return to play faster. Ms. Cooper is the head athletic trainer at YV, and is a Certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. This new room also serves as the sports medicine classroom, and the nearly 40 students enrolled couldn’t be more thrilled to learn in such a great new environment! 

Warriors Saving Lives

Last week, when a student began to choke in the cafeteria, Health Academy Student Oscar Cardenas sprang into action.   While the cafeteria staff immediately called in admin for help, Oscar rushed over and performed the Heimlich maneuver, and the student's airway was cleared. He received emergency first aid and CPR training as part of the academy by Ms. Gower his junior year. 

Also saving lives was our own Wrestling coach, Tate Miller. While dining at a Chinese food restaurant, a toddler began choking, and workers and the baby's parents stood by helplessly. Tate jumped in and performed a finger sweep to clear the child's airway, and the child began crying and breathing normally right after. Tate credits Kelly Cooper who taught his mandated coach's CPR and First Aid training for his quick thinking and ability to react.