In Collaboration with Aidee Hernandez (Senior), Rafael Maciel (Senior) and Crystal Roblejo (freshman)
Warriors have a LOT going on, so it is a great thing we manipulated the clocks to eek out some extra daylight! Let's look at what's been happening in Warrior Territory...
College Fair
For the second year in a row, a district college fair descended upon our campus, inviting students in the MDUSD and presenters from colleges around the country to meet together and discuss what they could do for each other. The fair was incredibly organized, spear-headed by our own PTSA President, Ilana Samuels, and students came to get an idea of what schools were out there and how they can get their feet in the door.
Combined Choirs Concert
For the second year in history, the choirs of MDUSD came together musically at Ygnacio Valley for a wonderful combined choir concert. Each group sang pieces prepared at their school sites, and they had the opportunity to sing together for a couple of numbers as well. What a wonderful event! And thank you to all of the vocal music directors for bringing the kids together in song! See a video HERE...
Guitar Concert OGMS
YV guitar players, led by Geoff Carter, collaborated with their younger counterparts at Oak Grove Middle for a guitar concert that was a wonderful success! Congrats to all of the strummers and thank you to Mr Carter for all of the hard work pulling this together!
Puente Field Trip
Our Puente program, in its 3rd year, took their students on a whirlwind tour of Southern California colleges for a wonderful field trip organized by program leaders Kara Yu and Socorro Lomas. Students traveled by charter bus and averaged about 4 college visits a day, favorites being UCLA and USC of course. The program goal is to graduate college bound students, ones who would be the first in their families to go on to higher education - and this trip was certainly inspiring to our kids! Thank you Ms. Yu, Ms. Hopper and Ms. Lomas!
Special Olympics
For the 5th year at YVHS, the regional Special Olympics came to our campus, where students (including some Warriors) competed in soccer. Over 80 YV students served as volunteers for the event, coordinated by interim VP Mike Ing. Many classes brought their students out to watch, and it was a wonderful day on campus for all! Be on the lookout for the spring dates for the Special Olympics track and field event as well!
Senior Night Football and Cheer
Regular football season wrapped up with a game versus Clayton Valley Charter at home, and we took some time to honor our senior football players and cheerleaders for their last home game. 12 seniors on football and 7 on cheer were escorted by their parents, families, teachers and loved ones to wish them luck for the years ahead and to say thank you for all you've done for the school- we are proud to have you Warriors!
NAPA Band Review
Our marching band also celebrated their seniors in their last March of the year at the Napa Band Review. While the Golden Warriors did not place, they had a wonderful showing at this prestigious event and we look forward to them marching on the French Quarter this winter!
Halloween was festive and fun for the Warriors with what felt like the largest costume participation we have had in years! Some great creative costumes came out for the occasion and a good time had by all..