Students of the MONTH

Friday, November 15, 2013

Winter Sports Begin!

Warrior Weekly
By: Devin Rader

YV Jazz Rocks at District Jazz Festival
On Wednesday, our very own Jazz Band had the opportunity to play for all the schools of the district. After school, the Jazz Band drove over to DVC, where from 4 o’clock to about 9 o’clock, they were surrounded by Jazz! Not only did they play at the festival, but the band listened to Jazz Bands from around the district. Performances by Northgate, Concord, College Park, and Mount Diablo had the bands entertained for a while. After all the schools had performed, everyone took a break for a pizza dinner. Following the dinner, all the groups returned to the auditorium where they performed, and listened to the District Honor Jazz Band. Students from around the district auditioned to get into this group, and two of our very own students were in the performance! Congratulations to 1st Trumpet Andrew Buschemi, and 2nd Trombone Chris Kinny, for an awesome performance! Following the Honor Jazz Band, everyone was privileged to hear the Jazz Band that was once the DVC Night Jazz Band. With plenty of soloists and exciting charts, the students, though tired by the end, were happy to participate.

Winter Sports Tryouts Underway
Aaaaaaaaand they're off!! The Winter sports teams began tryouts this week, with Wrestling, Boys and Girls Basketball, and Boys and Girls Soccer. Turnout was fantastic, with Boys Soccer topping 100 vying for spots. With teams set by the end of the week, the Warriors are set to begin games as early as next week, with the girls playing their first game on Tuesday, and the boys playing at home Friday and Saturday. Wrestling has their first match on Wednesday at Pittsburg High School. 


JV Cheer Team Developed for first time in years! 
Our outstanding cheerleading team, led by coaches Audra Bern (YV class of 2012) and Ashley Alvarez (NG class of 2010) has done a great job recruiting and hosted tryouts this week to form a JV team in time for basketball season. The level of interest was high and a great team was formed! Look for them on the courts this Winter! 

Performing Arts Goes on Tour
Thursday, all the performing arts programs including Dance III, Jazz Band, Advanced Guitar, Madrigals, and Drama, had the chance to go around and perform for Oak Grove Middle School and Pleasant Hill Middle School, in an attempt to show the eighth graders how great the performing arts at Ygnacio Valley really are!  With all of the performances, the students of both middle schools were talking about YV and requesting an encore before they even got out the door. In short, YV has entered the minds of the Oak Grove and Pleasant Hill students in a very positive way! Way to go Warriors!

YVHS Performing Arts

What's Wrong with this Picture? 
In the quest to see who is the Staff Handstand Champion of the World, Mr. Freddie Galvan and Ms. Kelly Cooper stepped up to the challenge for round 1... 
Wait a minute... I think I know why Mr. Galvan claimed to win... 


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