Students of the MONTH

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring is coming! Jump forward!

Warrior Weekly

March 7, 2014

Bay Area Band Festival
Monday and Tuesday, at the beginning of what Mr. Pattison calls the “worst week ever,”  (Jam packed with festivals mon and tues, rehearsals wed-sat for honor orchestra with a performance that evening... phew!) The band and orchestra performed with some of the local middle schools, putting on a good show for band and orchestra fans alike. Mr. Pattison was pleased with all the groups that performed, and afterward commented that all these students, middle school and high school alike, should keep on being in music programs, as it has changed for the better greatly over the years.

Spring Sports Update
The Ygnacio Valley High School Girls Lacrosse Team has won the past two games, and the sports community is abuzz with excitement! Also, the YV community has a new sport to watch… RUGBY!! That is correct. The Ygnacio Valley high school Rugby Team has not only started up practices, but games as well! Come on down and see the sports at YV!

Jammy Jam
Newest in the ASB Leadership events, the all new Jammy Jam will have you jiggying in your jammies! Tickets are on sale for five dollars! Come and shake it up in the Multi Use Room on March 21 from six o’clock to nine o’clock PM.

Marathon Time
Our own  Senior Annalisa Romero ran in her first half marathon this past weekend- and placed first in her age group! With an outstanding time of 1:49, Annalisa proved she is a cross country runner to be reckoned with! Way to go, Warrior!! 

Making YV a Better Place through Leadership
This week, Leadership teachers Kelly Cooper and Corissa Stobing, Yearbook coordinator Carolyn Moore, and one of our VP's, Efa Huckaby all went to the State conference for the California Activities Directors Association- they were inundated with new ideas and innovations for campus climate, student inclusion and connection, and innovation. Look for some exciting new programs to come! And of course they had fun with the Cartoon theme in the meantime... 

New weekly feature- Alumnus Spotlight! We will be featuring a YV grad in each blog in the weeks to come- we have some amazing Warriors out there! 
Alum Spotlight - Adam Schuman- Class of 1998 
Adam Schuman- Guitarist for Trophy Fire

Adam is currently in a hit band, The Trophy Fire, and makes music his business as an instructor and performer. His two brothers and his father also attended YV, and came back to coach wrestling for years. Warrior family, indeed.

What did you do right out of high school? I went to Los Medanos College and got an AA in recording arts, and starting putting bands together. 

What is your current business and why do you love it? Music is my business. I love it because I get to create something instead of doing tasks for an organization or business. The business is mine, for better or for worse. I've also been able to meet several people whom I look up to. 

Any advice for YV Students now that you've begun your career? Anything you weren't ready for? Yes. 1- I believe a college degree will be as important as a high school diploma was in the past. Go to college and don't major in a subject that is useless or stupid (I think most of you know what I mean) Economics and Business are always good choices. 
2- Teach yourself about finance and avoid going into debt at all costs. Finance is taught in the home, if it wasn't - self educate. Grab whatever reading material you can and ask people who are good with money for advice. I can't stress enough how important that is. 
 3- Never be afraid to ask for help. And be available to help those around you. "Do well by doing good." ~Ben Franklin
4- Networking is just as important as studying. Being somebody who is pleasant and dependable is as important (perhaps more) than being efficient and talented. Keep in touch with all contacts that can help you. 

What was your favorite hs class and why?   I liked physics and band, because they had information that was pertinent to my career choice. 

What were you involved with in high school? Did any of it prepare you for your chosen field now? I was involved in waterpolo, wrestling, swimming and music in high school. Yes, they all helped to teach me how to accept victory and defeat graciously, they taught me humility, teamwork, and goal setting. Plus I hung out with girls in bathing suits. That's important too.

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